Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Breaking Of Bread by Robert Baird

Robert Baird

In the verses we label “The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) Jesus said We were to go into all the world and make disciples! Jesus never said we were to make anything other than disciples! He never said go into the world and build churches. He never said go into the world and start ministries. He never said to go into the world and start schools. He said go into all the world and make disciples. It’s important that before making anything, we need to  know what it’s supposed to look like when it’s finished. Jesus’ expectation of discipleship is someone who is Christ centred, believes and follows His teaching, is fruitful, loves others and is prepared to share their faith.

I believe the essence of a disciple of Jesus can be found in Acts 2:41-47. In these verses we find the basic teaching pattern that the apostles taught following believers baptism.

1)  They taught the scriptures. 

2) They taught  the importance of prayer and fellowship. 

3)They partook of the breaking of bread.

Today’s blog is about the breaking of bread, some believers call it the Lord's supper, others call it Communion. At Kairos, we observe the breaking of bread most times we gather together, It’s become an accepted pattern. When we partake of communion it is as though we are transported back two thousand years into the past, it’s as if we are there with Christ on that final Passover. We gather together “in one mind and one accord”. We are in unity one with another. Our mind is on Christ. Jesus made a promise that he would not drink again with His disciples until his return. This promise is certain and true. He will return, When we break bread it reminds us of this.

It is a time of thanksgiving, thanksgiving to the Lord for all he has done. It’s also a time of recommitment,  A time of examination, not of others  but of ourselves. 

We live in such a fast moving society. It can foster impatience, intolerance and the importance of self. I thank God that I have the opportunity to join with my brothers and sisters in the Lord in the breaking of bread, to dwell in the presence of the Holy Spirit, to thank my God who will never abandon me, that in Jesus I’m part of God's family, and for the riches that are mine in Christ.

Robert Baird,

Elder, Kairos Church, Stirling

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